Thursday, March 15, 2012

Manners, Culture and Dress: Educating Emma

When a book is over a century old, you have to wonder how many times was it read and by whom. Through whose hands has it passed?  I purchased an old book several years ago called Manners, Culture and Dress, published in 1890, via an online bookstore so I had not seen it prior to the book arriving on my doorstep.

For me, one of the delights of this old book was the presentation page. The book was presented to Emma C. Savage on Feb 3rd, 1981 by her father and mother. I assume this was a birthday gift. A five-hundred page text to teach Emma about manners, culture and dress. I picture Emma as being middle to upper class young girl who was on the verge of becoming a young lady. 

What did Emma learn from this book?  Just about everything a well-mannered person in 1890 would need to know about how to act, how to speak, how to write, how to dress and even toilette recipes. 
She would have learned such things as how to protect against moths by putting a piece of linen moistened with turpentine in the wardrobe for a single day three times a year.  Here are a few more tidbits:  A lady should never allow a servant to keep people waiting on the door-step. That invitations to a funeral should be delivered by private messenger. Unmarried ladies should not accept presents from a gentleman to whom they are not related and not married. A lady does not cross a ballroom unattended. White kid gloves should be worn at a ball and only taken off at dinner. A lady must always decide on the the pace when riding. While traveling in steamers, do not make a rush for the supper table or make a glutton of yourself when you get there. Never be late to church. It is a decided mark of ill-breeding.

I wonder if Emma took all this advice to heart and became a young lady with impeccable manners?  Due to the good condition of the book, I don't think Emma re-read it. What does that say for Emma? I'm hoping she was an independent young lady. One who didn't always go by the rules.
Patricia Preston


Anonymous said...

How very interesting but frightening and stressful !
When I see all these rules that they had to conform to, I am very happy to be born in the 20th century! and be able to do and say what I want when I want ....

Wendy Soliman said...

Interesting. I'm with you, Patricia. I hope the fact that she didn't read the book twice, (or even once!), means she had her own ideas on how to behave.

Patricia Preston said...

Black Tulip: There were so many rules I don't know how they remembered. Also the American rules were different from the English as was pointed out in the book. LOL.

Wendy, I hope so!