Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful readers. In celebration of Mother's Day, I offer you some vintage images of mothers from advertising days gone by. Prepare to be amused, and horrified.
There's some Photoshop fakery afoot here. The "cola" ad is an outright spoof (though frequently reprinted online) by an artist who combines images from old ads and creates new text. (Another one of his fakes is an ad for horse meat margarine.)
Here is an article on some of the more common fake "retro" ads. http://www.goretro.com/2014/01/vintage-ads-realor-really-good-fake.html
Forgot to mention the DDT ad is mostly real, except for the "Killing Salt" logo, which is pretty crudely faked. The actual ad was for the Pennsalt Chemical Co., now Arkema, Inc. (which explains the profile of William Penn in the center.) The actual ad can be found on line without too much difficulty.
The tone of so many of these spoof ads is "oh, weren't people stupid back then, while we're ever-so-clever." DDT really was in its time a great advance in pesticide chemistry, as most previous insecticides contained large amounts of arsenic, mercury, and/or lead.
There are also numerous fake record covers are too often accepted as real online, such as "Captain Alan Hale's Roman Orgy," "James Mason and the Chipmunks," "Karl Malden Reads the Speeches of LBJ," and "My Lips Were Made For Blowing," by the fictitious Svetlana Gruebbersolvik.
In the United States (USA), celebrations of Mother’s Day began in the early 20th century. Here take a llok at mothers day wishes. It is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a commemoration of Mother Church, not motherhood). However, in some countries, Mother’s Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.
Although, at least then it was done openly. Now it's well hidden and we're all suckers!
LOL--start cola earlier. Awesome!
could you pass the cigarettes, cola and DDT please...oh yeah and put my four year old in a bra.
There's some Photoshop fakery afoot here. The "cola" ad is an outright spoof (though frequently reprinted online) by an artist who combines images from old ads and creates new text. (Another one of his fakes is an ad for horse meat margarine.)
Here is an article on some of the more common fake "retro" ads.
Forgot to mention the DDT ad is mostly real, except for the "Killing Salt" logo, which is pretty crudely faked. The actual ad was for the Pennsalt Chemical Co., now Arkema, Inc. (which explains the profile of William Penn in the center.) The actual ad can be found on line without too much difficulty.
The tone of so many of these spoof ads is "oh, weren't people stupid back then, while we're ever-so-clever." DDT really was in its time a great advance in pesticide chemistry, as most previous insecticides contained large amounts of arsenic, mercury, and/or lead.
There are also numerous fake record covers are too often accepted as real online, such as "Captain Alan Hale's Roman Orgy," "James Mason and the Chipmunks," "Karl Malden Reads the Speeches of LBJ," and "My Lips Were Made For Blowing," by the fictitious Svetlana Gruebbersolvik.
In the United States (USA), celebrations of Mother’s Day began in the early 20th century. Here take a llok at mothers day wishes. It is not related to the many celebrations of mothers and motherhood that have occurred throughout the world over thousands of years, such as the Greek cult to Cybele, the Roman festival of Hilaria, or the Christian Mothering Sunday celebration (originally a commemoration of Mother Church, not motherhood). However, in some countries, Mother’s Day has become synonymous with these older traditions.
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